No need to be explicit when it's obvious


BLUEPHRASE uses a new technology called symbolic endophrasing, which turns markup syntax inside-out. One of the key features of this smart technology is its ability to imply context.


Implied semantic context starts with the humble but ubiquitous paragraph. In BLUEPHRASE, an explicit paragraph starts with a p semantax, which is equivalent to the HTML <p> tag. In practice, an explicit p is almost never seen, because it is implied. This is how plain text can be considered BLUEPHRASE even when no BLUEPHRASE notation is visible.

Consider this starting point, and it's HTML equivalent:

Antananarivo is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.         
<p>Antananarivo is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.</p>
HTML equivalent

Short phrases

Short phrases that are part of a sentence or paragraph are implied to have a span semantax, which is equivalent to HTML's <span> ... </span> markup, so in this example the word "Tana" could become the target of CSS:

link `styles.css` *rel=stylesheet *type=text/css 

Antananarivo, known in colonial shorthand as <<Tana>>, is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.
span { background-color: green; }
<link href='styles.css' rel=stylesheet type=text/css />

<p>Antananarivo, known in colonial shorthand as <span>Tana</span>, is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.</p>
HTML equivalent

Head and Body

These simple examples omit an important part of HTML: the <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> tags that are required by the standard. The BLUEPROCESSOR examines your source file to see whether or not you've included these, and if not, will provide them for you. So the first example will actually result in HTML like this:

<p>Antananarivo is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.</p>
HTML with head and body

Implied semantax goes way beyond paragraphs and spans. For a better view of its significance, examine how tabulating and itemizing are handled in BLUEPHRASE.

No need to be explicit when it's obvious

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