Tired of fussing with bulleted list?


When it comes to word processors, it seems like bulleted lists are never quite right — there's always a bit too much fiddling around with the paragraphs above and below. And nested lists? ... forget it!

Bulleted lists

BLUEPHRASE has one of the simplest methods around to create bulleted lists, and you can always get it right the first time.

Here it is in glorious text/blue ...

h1 The original "bucket list"        
ul {
Witness something truly majestic
Help a complete stranger
Laugh until I cry
Drive a Shelby Mustang
Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
Get a tattoo
Visit Stonehenge
Drive a motorcycle on the Great Wall of China
Go on a Safari
Visit the Taj Mahal
Sit on the Great Egyptian Pyramids
Find the Joy in your life

... and its equivalent in text/html:

<h1>The original "bucket list"</h1>
<li>Witness something truly majestic</li>
<li>Help a complete stranger</li>
<li>Laugh until I cry</li>
<li>Drive a Shelby Mustang</li>
<li>Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world</li>
<li>Get a tattoo</li>
<li>Visit Stonehenge</li>
<li>Drive a motorcycle on the Great Wall of China</li>
<li>Go on a Safari</li>
<li>Visit the Taj Mahal</li>
<li>Sit on the Great Egyptian Pyramids</li>
<li>Find the Joy in your life</li>

Ordered lists

Ordered lists are just as simple. Here's an example that shows off how easily nested lists can be created.

The original text/blue ...

Quotes from <<u The Big Lebowski>>:
ol {
The Dude:
ol {
The Dude abides.
That rug really tied the room together.
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
This aggression will not stand man.
His dudeness, duder, or el dudorino.
Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here!
At least I’m housebroken.
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
ol {
Forget it, you’re out of your element!
You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.
Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon ... with nail polish.
You are entering a world of pain.
Has the whole world gone crazy?!!
Calm down you're being very undude.
Donny: I am the walrus.
ol {
Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you.
Do you have to use so many cuss words?
The Dude abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowing he’s out there, the Dude, takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.

... and it's equivalent in text/html:

<p>Quotes from <u>The Big Lebowski</u>:</p>
<li>The Dude:</li>
<li>The Dude abides.</li>
<li>That rug really tied the room together.</li>
<li>Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.</li>
<li>This aggression will not stand man.</li>
<li>His dudeness, duder, or el dudorino.</li>
<li>Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here!</li>
<li>At least I’m housebroken.</li>
<li>Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.</li>
<li>Forget it, you’re out of your element!</li>
<li>You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.</li>
<li>Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon ... with nail polish.</li>
<li>You are entering a world of pain.</li>
<li>Has the whole world gone crazy?!!</li>
<li>Calm down you're being very undude.</li>
<li>Donny: I am the walrus.</li>
<li>Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you.</li>
<li>Do you have to use so many cuss words?</li>
<li>The Dude abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowing he’s out there, the Dude, takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.</li>

In both of the examples, note the implied <li> tags. With BLUEPHRASE, there's almost never a need to explicitly type an li !

Tired of fussing with bulleted list?

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