Give your readers the visual clues they need to really explore


Poor structuring can turn your readers away — who wants to struggle through a wall of words? Good structuring becomes an invitation to the reader to immerse themselves in what you have to offer.

One of the greatest areas of improvement in the HTML5 standard is in its specialized tags for structuring documents. Other writing platforms like word processors and Markdown documents limit you to simple blocks of text, similar to HTML 1.1's <div>tag. Even LaTeX, the darling of the scientific community, limits itself to a hierarchy composed of chapters, sections and subsections.

In contrast, BLUEPHRASE semantax encompasses the full range of HTML5's new structuring options:

semantax usage
div A general purpose division of the document
section A thematic grouping of content, often beginning with an h1, h2, h3, etc.
article A complete, independently distributable composition
aside A separate composition that is tangentially related to the main composition of the page
nav A block containing a collection of hyperlinks, used like an in-page mini table-of-contents
header A container for content that is visibly at the top of the page
footer A container for content that is visibly at the bottom of the page
blockquote A quotation from another published source
figure A block that contains an illustration, diagram, photo, or similar
dl A section containing terms and their definitions, or questions and their answers. Used with dt and dl are allowed.
details Additional information that is hidden from the user until its summary is clicked

Give your readers the visual clues they need to really explore

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